Koggala Beach

Koggala beach is considered as one of the finest bay beaches of the world. This was built during the time of World War II and later was developed to the point of the best tourist destination. The beach is mainly famous for beautiful spots for photography and the adventure sports. Rare secenary of the newborn turtles and being cared for them until they are released to the sea can be witnessed by tourists.

Perfect Time To Visit: January to April and July end to October

Famous for:

  • Ideal place for surfing in the beach situated between Koggala and Weligama Bay Beach
  • A motor boat tour will enable you to explore the beauty of Koggala lake which consists of the Buddhist temple, lush greenery and especially cinnamon plantation.
  • Golden opportunity to witness the most uncommon and rare species of turtles namely Loggerheads as well as  the Leathery turtle
  • Opportunities to enjoy taste herbal wines and herbal local products and spice garden.
  • Sri Lankan rich culture depicts through the Martin Wickramsinghe Folk Museum.
  • A variety of flora, fauna and lush greenery can be witnessed in Kottawa reserved territory